Claude SW34

£41.67 Ex VAT


Roll Size: 53cm x 10m Approximately

Pattern Repeat : 53cm Offset Match

SKU: N/A Category:



Roll Size : 53cm x 10m Approximately

Pattern Repeat : 53cm Offset Match

Additional information


Blue Grey, Acre, Amethyst, Antique, Antique Gold, Aqua, Aubergine, Beige, black, Black/Copper, Black/Gold, Black/Lemon, Black/white/Blue, Black/Yellow, Blackcurrant, Blue, Blue Green/grey, Blue/Lime, Blue/Yellow, Blush, Boutique, Bronze, Brown, Burnt Orange, Canvass, Cappuccino/Silver/Neutral, Caramel, Celadon/Cream, Chaffinch, Chalk, Champagne, Charcoal, Charcoal/White/Coffee, Cherry/Gold, Chocolate, Chocolate/Beige, Citrus/Black, Coral, Cranberry/Gilver, Cravat, Cream, Cream/Beige, Cream/Blue, Cream/Cerise, Cream/Ebony, Cream/Green, Cream/Indigo, Cream/Silver, Crimson, Crystal, Deep Red, Duck Egg, Duck Egg/Silver/White, Dusk, Ebony, Faded Rose, Fig, Forest, Gilver/Dark Violet, Gilver/Neutral, Gilver/Slate, Gilver/Terracotta, Gilver/Turquoise, Gliver/Neutral, Gold, Gold/Black, Gold/Blue, Gold/Cerise, Gold/Cream, Gold/Duck Egg Blue, Gold/Green, Gold/Jade, Gold/Red, Gold/Stone, Gold/Teal, Graphite, Green, Green Background, Green/Gold, Green/Mauve, Grey, Grey Background, Grey/Lime, Grey/Red/Cream, Grey/Yellow, Honey, Ice Floes, Indigo/Ecru, Ivory, Ivory/Dove, Ivory/Gold, Ivory/Metallic, Jade/Rose, Jewel, Lemon/Blue, Lilac, Lime, Linden, Linen, Linen/Lilac, Marine, Mauve/Gold, Metallic Ink/Taupe, Midnight, Mink, Mulberry, Multi/ Off-White, Multi/Antique gold, Multi/Aqua, Multi/Celadon, Multi/Cream, Multi/Dark Chocolate, Multi/Fudge, Multi/Grey, Multi/Indigo, Multi/Ivory, Multi/Lemon, Multi/Olive, Multi/Pale Blue, Multi/Pale Green, Multi/Red, Multi/Sand, Multi/Silver, Multi/Sky Blue, Neutral, Off White/Beige, Off White/Duck Egg, Off-White, Pale blue, Pale Blue/Grey, Pale Gold/Magenta, Pale Green, Pale Putty, Pale Putty/Grey, Parchment, Paris Grey, Peat, Pebble, Pebble /Yellow, Peridot, Pewter, Pink, Pink/Blue, Pink/Grey, Plaster, Plaster/Pink, Platinum, Purbeck, Purple, Red, Red/Blue, Rose, Saffron, Sage, Satinwood, Sepia/Neutral, Shell, Silk Blue, Silk Yellow, Silver, Silver/Mink, Silver/Navy, Silver/Pale Blue, Silver/Seagreen, Silver/White, Sky Blue, Slate, Slate Grey, Soft Duck Egg Blue, Soverign, Steel Blue, Stone, Stone/Prussian, Taupe, Taupe/Black, Teal, Turquoise, Ultra Marine, Wedgwood, Wheat, white background, white/Beige, White/Black, White/Champagne, White/Pale Grey, White/Pearl, White/Silver, Yellow, Yellow/Charcoal, Yellow/Red


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