Delivery is usually made within 3-5 working days from receipt of order and payment.

In the event of any product being out of stock or discontinued , you will be notified within 24 hours.

Delivery Charges

Standard Delivery

Standard delivery takes 3-5 working days and is only currently available to mainland UK. Standard delivery is charged at the following rates:

  • £ 3.50 + vat for 0.1kg – 0.99kg
  • £10.00 + vat for 1.0kg – 3kgs
  • £13.50 + vat for 3.1kgs – 30kgs
  • £20.00 + vat for 30.1gs – 45kgs

Express Delivery

Express orders must be placed by 9.30am for a next day service.

£26.00 + Vat for 1kg – 2 kgs then £3 for each additional Kilo.


Whilst every effort has been made to give you a true image of the products and the technical data on the website, we are unable to guarantee their accuracy . If in doubt , please request for a sample prior to ordering. There maybe a charge made on 3 or more samples.

Faulty Products And Claims

Please ensure that all products are checked for any faults before and during installation.

If the product is proven to be faulty, we may offer to replace or make a refund as appropriate in accordance to your statutory rights.

In all events the limit of liability for any faulty product shall to a sum not exceed the purchase price, and the seller shall not be held liable for any incidental or consequential loss that may arise.
